Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Eggstra Cute

An adorable scrap kit called Eggstra Cute. Newest kit designed by Scrappin with Lil Ole Me. It's available at 

Digi Divas

Tube used by artist Trinta. Her work is available at 


Mask made by me ambcreations here on my blog.

Let's begin.

New image 700 by 650 and open element frame 19 edit copy and paste as a new layer on your new image.

Use your selections key point to point to draw around the 3 squares. Choose paper 3 and paste it into your selections. Selections none. Move it under your frame.

Place your tube right hand side.

Open paper 2  and arrange it behind your frame. Go to layers new mask from image and merge together your mask and paper.

Egg element 39 image mirror lower left hand side and next to your tube.

Add egg element 63 also lower left and move it right next to your tube.

Bunny element 3 lower left and place it next to element 63. 

Element 4 upper left hand side and move it just behind your frame.

Element 9 arrange it behind your frame.

Flower element 5 left side and place it between the two egg's. 

Last use element 55 and move it right hand side and next to your tube.

Layers merge visible.

Add your name and copy right information.


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