Thursday, August 14, 2014
I Luv Nerds

An adorable scrap kit called Nerdy School Girl. It's great for those back to school tubes. And is designed by Kissed by Kelz. You can get her wonderful kit's at Scrap Candy

Tube used by artist Arthur Crowe. You can get his wonderful work

Timeline 57 downloaded from Millie's blog

Open template in psp and delete the credits layer. Go threw your other layer's and add your paper's. 

Move your tube to the middle.

School house element left hand side and move it slightly behind your tube. Now open the books element and place it lower left and also slightly behind your tube.

Back pack image mirror and place it next to your tube.

Use the school bus and place it on the lower right hand side slightly behind your tube.

Last use the word art I Luv Nerds across the borders of the timeline.

Add your name and copy right information.

New image 200 by 200 for the avatar. Use the same paper for the back ground as you did in the time line. And on the border. 

Place your tube to the left hand side. 

Last use the word art i luv nerds image rotate it 90 to the left all layers checked. 

Add your initials and your copy right information.


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