Monday, February 9, 2015
The Key Timeline and Avatar Set

This is a pretty scrap kit designed by Kissed by Kelz called The Key. It's made to match Tony T's tube The Key. You can get the kit and tube  at

The Art of Tony T.

New image 800 by 351 selections select all choose paper 4 and paste it into your selections. 

Tube image mirror move to the left hand side of your timeline. 

Element 12 move to the lower middle and next to your tube.

Heart element 36 image mirror move to the lower right hand corner image rotate it 25.00 to the right.

Element 24 image rotate it 90 to the right all layers checked. Arrange it on your timeline. 

Layers merge visible. Image add border 10 and use your magic wand on your border. Choose paper 5 and paste it into your selections. Selections none.

Now add your name and copy right information.

New image 200 by 200 and selections select all choose paper 4 paste it into your image. Selections none.

Tube image mirror move to the left side in your avatar. 

Last add element 24 behind your tube. 

Image add borders 5 and use the same paper on your border as you did on your timeline for your avatar. 

Add your name and copy right information.


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