Saturday, February 28, 2015
Coco Flash

Just love this kit. It's called Coco Flash and designed by Fw Tag's. It's made to match Danny Lee's tube. You can get the kit and tube at 

Scraps N Company

Mask downloaded from Rocked by Rachel

New image 700 by 650 and open element frame 6 edit copy and paste as a new layer on your new image. Select inside the middle with your magic wand and choose paper 1 paste it into your selections. Selections none move it under your frame. 

Now take your tube and move it under your frame. Duplicate and bring that one to the top. Erase the bits hanging over your frame. 

Choose paper 4 and place it behind your frame go to layers new mask from image and merge together your mask and paper.

Tree element 15 place on the right hand side and just behind your tube.

Element 51 arrange it also on the right hand side and move it just behind the tube.

Water element 56 lower bottom part of your frame. Duplicate image mirror and merge these two together. 

Fruit element 47 lower right hand side and place it just under element 51.

Add these elements down in the lower right hand side. 8, 33 and 12. Arrange them around the stand and your tube.

Chair element 11 lower left hand side. Add sand element 18 and place it under the chair.

Fan element 61 image mirror and move to the lower left side and just behind your tube.

Element 64 arrange it behind your tube and place it on top of your frame layer.

Flower elements 39 and 59 place them in the upper part of the left hand side.

Last use elements 41 and 4 move them down in the lower left hand side next to the chair. 

Add your name and copy right information.


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