Sunday, January 25, 2015
Naughty Nights

A sexy naughty scrap kit called Naughty Nights. It's designed by Fw Tag's. And you can get it at 

Scraps N Company


Sensebility Scrapping

Tube used by artist Ismael Rac. You can get his awesome work

Mask of choice.

New image 700 by 700 and open element frame 2 edit copy and paste as a new layer on your new image. Use your magic wand and select inside the frame. Choose paper 6 and paste it into your selections. Selections none. 

Now use element bed element 84 place in the lower left side of your frame. 

Now move your tube in front of the bed. Move her slightly to the right hand side.

Use paper 6 and place it behind your frame go to layers new mask from image and merge together your mask and paper.

Element 41 lower left hand side and move it behind your bed.

Lamp element 26 move to the right hand side and just behind your bed.

Element 22 place it on the bed image rotate it 90 to the left.

Wine glasses element 30 lower left side. 

Now use the dice element 16 place them under your tube. 

Element 12 place on the bottom of your frame. Duplicate it 3 more times around it.

Elements 4 and 29 place them in the upper left hand corner. Place the arrow threw the hearts.

Hand cuff element look like it's hanging on the bed post.

Last use element 48 place it in the upper right hand side of your frame.

Add your name and copy right information.


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