Friday, August 15, 2014
Blue Steam

A pretty steam punk scrap kit designed by Kissed by Kelz. It's called Simply Steam. It's made to match Spazz's tube Scarlett. You can get kit and tube

Mask downloaded from Whisper in the Wind's blog

New image 700 by 650 and open frame element 85 edit copy and paste as a new layer on your new image. Select inside the middle with your magic wand and choose a paper of choice invert and delete. Move it under your frame.  Keep the middle selected and paste your tube as a new layer under your frame. Invert and delete it. 

Choose another paper of choice and place it behind your frame. Go to layers new mask from image and merge together your mask and paper. 

I placed my tube on the right hand side.

Element 97 upper left hand corner image rotate it 25.00 to the left.

Flower element 125 left hand side duplicate image mirror.

Element 101 upper left hand side of frame. Duplicate image mirror and merge together. Duplicate image mirror and move it behind your frame.

Plane element 99 bottom part of your frame.

Balloon element 110 upper left hand side.

Element 105 place on the flower element 125 just on the left hand side.

Element 111 move to the upper right hand corner. Duplicate it 3 more times around your frame. 

Element 54 lower left hand side image rotate it 25.00 to the left. 

Last use flower 43 and place it in the upper top part of your frame.

Now add your name and copy right information.


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