Sunday, August 18, 2013

This scrap kit is just adorable. Love it and it's called Sweet Christine designed by Kissed by Kelz. You can get it

Tube used by artist Alex Prihodko. You can get it

Choose a paper of choice add your tube in the middle. I am using a sitting tube. 

Element 18 image rotate it 25.00 to the right move behind tube but still slightly showing duplicate it image flip arrange so that they are next to each other. Duplicate again image mirror.

Element 25 left side of your tube.

Element 09 right side.

Element 55 lower left use your deform key just a bit.

Elements 77 and 44 left side and arrange to your liking.

Element 84 lower left place on element 18 duplicate image flip.

Element 26 move on top of element 84. See tag above.

Element 07 left side give a small rotate 25.00 to the left.

Element 15 upper right hand side. Element 6 move it lower next to element 15 and then add element 30. 

Last add element 36 lower right hand side and move it just under your tube.

Add name and copy right information.


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