Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Pink Winter

Beautiful pink winter scrap kit called Winter Love. It's designed by Kissed by Kelz. And you can get it at Scrap Candy 

Tube used by artist Very Many. You can get it

New image and open element frame 2 edit copy and paste as a new layer on your new image. Magic wand and select inside the middle selections modify and expand by 4 invert and delete. Move under your frame. Now move your tube in the middle of your frame.

Decor move it behind your frame. 

Tree open the element and move it lower right side 

Hearts move them on your tree and rotate them 25.00 to the right.

Add the word art winter and rotate it to.

Snowflake 2 move it under your word art lower right hand side.

Bear, gem and gift lower right and arrange around your Christmas tree.

Earmuffs upper right hand side of frame. Move them like they are hanging on the frame.

Flower 2 upper left hand side and add the word art Love rotate it.

Snow sparkles upper left and behind your deco duplicate and arrange behind your frame. Use the pink sparkle upper left side on deco and duplicate it 3 more times and arrange it also around the deco.

Bow and snow flake lower left hand side. 

Add name and copy right information.


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