Saturday, December 26, 2015
My Spring Garden

Pretty scrap kit My Spring Garden. It's designed by Tootypup's and you can get it at

Scraps and tubes

Tube used by artist Laguna Art. You can get her work at


Mask downloaded from Rocked by Rachel's blog

New image 700 by 650 and open sparkle garden 02 edit copy and paste as a new layer on your new image.

Place your tube in the middle.

Open paper 3 and arrange it behind your tube. Go to layers new mask from image and merge together your mask and paper. 

Small flower bush 01 lower left and arrange it behind your tube. Duplicate image mirror.

Wishing well 3 lower left and behind your tube.

Cat elements 
2 and 3 arrange them on the left and right hand side.

Spring flowers 01 lower right side in front of the kittens. Duplicate image mirror.

Tree spring 03 image mirror and arrange it above your tube. 

Last use spring tree 01 right side and behind your tube.

layers merge visible.

Add your name and copy right information.


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