Saturday, November 7, 2015
Brain Dead

Dark and creepy scrap kit called Brain Dead. It's designed by Fw Tags and made to match Danny Lee's tube Brain Dead.

You can get the kit and tube at 

Scraps N Company

New image 800 by 351 selections select all and choose paper 4 paste it into your selections. Selections none. 

Spider web element 14 image mirror and move to the right hand side of your timeline.

Flower element 1 lower right hand corner. Duplicate flower image mirror and arrange it in the lower left hand corner. 

Add your tube and move it slightly to the right and slightly towards the middle. (See tag above for placement.)

Element 19 lower right hand corner and move it just behind your tube.

Element 68 lower right side.

Element 58 image mirror place in the lower left hand side. Add the arch element 28 place it in front of element 58.

Element 55 lower left side and move it next to the arch.

Element 54 image mirror lower left and next to the arch. Open element 9 image mirror it and move it behind stone element 54.

Arrange moon element 74 in the upper left hand side of your timeline.

Last use element 16 lower right hand side next to the sign. Image mirror 25.00 to the right.

New image 180 by 180 selections select all and use the same paper as in the timeline above. Paste it into your selections. Selections none.

Place your tube in the middle. 

Add element 68 lower middle. 

Add your name and copy right information.


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