Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Cat Lover

Scrap kit Cat Lover is part of a cute collab which you can buy at S&CO. You can get it 

Tube used by artist Alex Prihodko. You can get his awesome work

Mask downloaded from Millie's blog

New image 700 by 650 and open element frame 4 edit copy and paste as a new layer on your new image. Select inside the middle of your frame with magic wand and choose a paper of choice invert and delete. Move under your frame.

Now choose another paper of choice place it behind your frame go to layers new mask from image and merge together your mask and paper.

Move your tube to the left side. 

Element 4 arrange it on the right hand side but place it just under your tube.

Element 39 move it behind your frame and duplicate it a couple of times.

Element 12 image mirror and place in the upper left hand side and behind your tube. 

Cat 27 place him on top of the kitty post. 

Box element 21 lower right hand side and open cat element 53 place her on top of the boxes.

Pillow 31 arrange under your tube. 

Open these cat toy's 1 image mirror and move in front of your tube. Mouse toy element 5 image mirror and arrange on your kitty post.

Bag element 54 lower left hand side and next to your tube.

Last element 6 place above on top of your frame.

Add your name and copy right information.


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