Thursday, January 2, 2014
Golden Bubbles

2nd tag made with Fwd Tag's beautiful scrap kit Bubbles of Indulgence. You can get the kit at Berry Applicious


Sensibility Scrapping

Tube used by artist Anna Liwanag. You can get it

New image and open element frame 4 image rotate it 90 to the right all layers checked. Edit copy and paste as a new layer on your new image. Magic wand and select inside the middle of the frame. Choose paper of choice invert and delete. Move under frame.

Element  6 image mirror and move to the right and add your tube next to the tub. 

Element 16 image mirror and move to the right hand side. Covering part of your tube like she's hiding behind it. Duplicate element 16 image mirror and arrange on the other side of the frame.

Arrange these elements next to your tub. Open 1, 54 and 64 arrange in the lower left side next to the tub.

Element 31 upper left hand side of frame. Duplicate image mirror use element 75 arrange them so they are under element 31 in the corners of the frame.

Element 38 left hand side of frame. 

Use element 4 lower left hand side.

Element 49 ribbon arrange at the bottom of your frame so it's on both sides of your frame.

Element 37 move it behind your frame and add element 72 upper left hand behind the frame duplicate image flip and then image mirror. 

Add your name and copy right information.


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