Sunday, August 11, 2013
Pink Love

Love, love this kit designed by Kissed by Kelz. It's called Pink Life and it's an exclusive scrap kit to match Arthur Crowe's tube. You can get the kit and tube 

Mask of choice i am using one of my own. You can down load my mask here if you'd like to use it. 

If you use my mask please credit it to my blog. 

New image and open frame 2 edit copy and paste as a new layer on you new image magic wand and select inside the middle. Choose a paper of choice invert and delete move under frame.

Now choose another paper of choice place behind the frame layers new mask from image and check invert mask. Merge mask and paper.

Take your tube and move it to the left. Duplicate it on the bottom adjust blur gaussian blur 3.00 and then top layer change the blend mode to over lay.

Mask image mirror and goes right side of frame image rotate 25.00 to the right and move it under your tube.

lips upper top right and do a rotate.

Corset lower right and rotate it.

Boot image mirror and move it next to the corset.

Bears right side of tube rotate it.

Lollipops move one behind the frame and rotate it 25.00 to the left duplicate it and slide it next to the other lollipop.

Add some sparkles.

Name and copy right information.


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